“The Universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects” -Thomas Berry This YouTube channel is a gathering place for the creation of A New Global WE. Never before in world history has it been more necessary to come together like this and to thrive across our differences. Today, with the explosion of video conferencing and AI, we have the technology to help us realize this vision. In this channel, we will connect, explore and discover what it means to be a WE. Here too We will use various mediums – music, poetry, video – to show you the efforts of many who are already doing this great work of our time. Most important, though, we will need you – everyone.
“Eldering in Grace” is a mindfulness dialogue collaboration undertaken with the Deignan Institute for Earth and Spirit at Iona University that sponsors a rich array of offerings to assist the work of building a new ecological civilization.
(Art by @oakleethiele from @Artists4LongTermCare)